Social Media
social media marketing company

We are a full service SEO digital marketing agency. Our experienced Social Media Marketing experts can help you establish your business goals, identify your target audience, create engaging and share worthy content.  Also integrating your Social Media with multiple other aspects of your online presence.

We will customize Social Media strategies targeted for your brand and your audience. You’ll get fully supported and managed social media package, content planning (and creation), blogger outreach and video distribution, among other marketing services that aim to attract new customers and increase your profitability.

Social Media encourages user oriented content from within the most popular Social Media platforms such as Facebook Metaverse, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and LinkedIn.

Our Social Media Services provide you the possibility to connect and share information generating to an increase of the brand’s, product’s or service’s awareness. Results of Social Media Advertising are reflected in the number of re-tweets, shares, comments, likes and views on pages, posts and ads. Social Media encourages user oriented content from within the most popular Social Media platforms such as Facebook Metaverse, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and LinkedIn.

Social Media encourages user oriented content from within the most popular Social Media platforms such as Facebook Metaverse, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and LinkedIn.

Social media can help your business in a number of ways. Here are a few of the benefits of social media marketing:

  • Increased brand awareness: Social media can help you reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness. When people see your brand online, they are more likely to remember you when they are ready to make a purchase.
  • Attract new customers: Social media can help you attract new customers who are interested in your products or services. You can target your marketing campaigns to specific demographics and interests, so you can reach the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer.
  • Generate leads: Social media can help you generate leads by providing valuable content that attracts people to your website. You can then capture these leads by offering them something of value, such as a free ebook or white paper.
  • Increase sales: Social media can help you increase sales by driving traffic to your website and converting that traffic into customers. You can use a variety of marketing channels to reach your target audience, including search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, and email marketing.
  • Improve customer service: Social media can help you improve customer service by providing customers with a way to contact you 24/7. You can use social media, live chat, and email to answer customer questions and resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

If you are looking for ways to improve your business, social media marketing is a great place to start. By using the right channels and strategies, you can reach a wider audience, attract new customers, generate leads, and increase sales.

Here are some specific social media marketing strategies that can help you improve your business:

  • Create and share valuable content: One of the best ways to use social media for business is to create and share valuable content. This could include blog posts, infographics, videos, or anything else that your target audience would find interesting and informative.
  • Run social media contests and giveaways: Social media contests and giveaways are a great way to generate excitement and engagement around your brand. They can also help you attract new followers and grow your audience.
  • Use social media ads: Social media ads can be a great way to reach a targeted audience and drive traffic to your website. You can target your ads based on demographics, interests, and even past purchase behavior.
  • Interact with your audience: One of the most important things you can do on social media is to interact with your audience. Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in conversations. This will help you build relationships with your followers and create a sense of community around your brand.

By following these tips, you can use social media to improve your business and reach your target audience.


We are proud of our award for Best Social Media company in Pittsburgh PA we received from Yelp.  Yelp provides a one-stop local platform for consumers to discover, connect and transact with local businesses

Pittsburgh SEO Services has been recognized as the Best Social Media company in Pittsburgh PA by Bark.  Bark is a world-leading services marketplace with over 5 million customers in 8 countries around the world.

Social media has become an integral part of modern life, connecting people worldwide and serving as a primary source of news, entertainment, and social interaction.

  1. Global Users:
    • More than half of the world’s population (over 4 billion people) are active on social media.
  2. Growth:
    • The number of social media users has been growing at an average rate of around 10% year on year.
  3. Platform Statistics:
    • Facebook: 2.8 billion monthly active users.
    • YouTube: Over 2 billion logged-in monthly users.
    • Instagram: Over 1 billion monthly active users.
    • WhatsApp: 2 billion monthly active users.
    • TikTok: 700 million active users.
    • LinkedIn: 760 million users.
    • Twitter: Around 330 million monthly active users.
  4. Usage Habits:
    • The average person spends around 2-3 hours per day on social media.
    • Mobile usage dominates, with many platforms like Instagram and TikTok being mobile-first or mobile-only.
  5. Demographics:
    • While younger users (ages 18-34) dominate platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, Facebook’s user base has been aging, with a growing percentage of users 50 and older.
  6. Advertising:
    • Social media ad spend reached about $105 billion in 2022, accounting for nearly half of all digital ad spend globally.
    • Facebook and Instagram are the top platforms for social media advertising due to their extensive user base and sophisticated ad targeting options.
  7. Engagement:
    • Video content, especially short-form video like TikTok’s format, has been on the rise and tends to receive higher engagement than other content types.
    • User-generated content, especially reviews and testimonials, has a high level of trust among consumers.
  8. E-commerce:
    • Social commerce, the process of selling products directly on social media, has been growing, especially with platforms like Instagram and Facebook introducing shopping features.
  9. Emerging Trends:
    • Privacy concerns and changing regulations (like iOS 14 updates) have been impacting social media advertising, making first-party data and privacy-friendly strategies more important.
    • Augmented reality (AR) filters and experiences are growing on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat.

It’s worth noting that these statistics and trends can change quickly as new platforms emerge, user behaviors shift, and global events impact online habits. For the most current and detailed statistics, you would typically look at reports from leading digital analytics firms like Statista, eMarketer, and others, or from the platforms themselves.

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Social Media Packages

Social media ads can be a great way to reach a targeted audience and drive traffic to your website. You can target your ads based on demographics, interests, and even past purchase behavior.

One of the most important things you can do on social media is to interact with your audience. Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in conversations. This will help you build relationships with your followers and create a sense of community around your brand.

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Social media marketing is a powerful tool for businesses looking to expand their reach and engage with customers in a dynamic way. Here are the top 10 frequently asked questions about social media marketing that can help you understand and optimize your social media strategies:

What is social media marketing?
Social media marketing involves promoting products or services through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. It includes activities like posting text and image updates, videos, and other content that drives audience engagement.
Why is social media marketing important?
It allows businesses to reach a broader audience more efficiently than traditional media, provides excellent targeting capabilities, enhances brand loyalty, and improves customer service.
Which social media platform is best for my business?
The best platform depends on where your target audience spends their time and the nature of your business. Visual products do well on Instagram and Pinterest, B2B services excel on LinkedIn, and consumer goods can benefit from Facebook and Twitter.
How often should I post on social media?
The frequency can vary by platform and audience preference. Generally, it’s recommended to post at least once a day on platforms like Twitter and Instagram, and a few times a week on Facebook and LinkedIn.
What are the best times to post on social media?
Optimal posting times can vary based on your audience’s habits, but general trends suggest mornings and early afternoons on weekdays for most platforms. Utilize analytics tools to determine when your posts perform best.
How can I increase engagement on social media?
Post consistently, use high-quality and relevant images, engage with followers by replying to comments and messages, and create interactive content like polls and contests.
What is the ROI of social media marketing?
The return on investment can be measured in terms of increased traffic, lead generation, and conversions. Tools like Google Analytics and native social media insights can help quantify your social media efforts.
Should I use paid social media advertising?
Paid social media can significantly enhance your visibility and reach. It’s beneficial for targeting specific demographics and driving focused actions like downloads, purchases, or sign-ups.
How do I handle negative comments or a social media crisis?
Respond promptly and professionally, address the issue directly if it’s genuine, offer to resolve the matter offline if necessary, and monitor your social media channels regularly to manage your brand’s reputation effectively.
How can I measure the success of my social media marketing?
Measure success based on pre-defined goals: increase in followers, engagement rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall traffic from social media to your website. Utilize platform-specific analytics tools to track these metrics.

Understanding these aspects of social media marketing can help you create more effective campaigns and interact more meaningfully with your audience, enhancing both brand presence and business results.