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Write Your First E-Book Free Ebook PDF Download
Many people who have never sat down to write an actual article think that
writing as a craft is simple. You just start with one word, and you follow that
with another. It's also usually all in your native language. How hard can that
be, right? Well, once they start to write, they may find that they don't have a
clue on where to start. If they've never written an ebook, they may not
understand how to properly organize their thoughts so that enough
information is conveyed in an easy and highly digestible form for the reader.
In fact, once they sit down to look at a blank sheet of paper, they may
actually freeze because they have no set plan in place. That's why it's
important to sketch out an outline before you start. Let's first take a look at
how long an average ebook might be and how to set up chapters to fill the