Free Blogging eBooks

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Intelligent Investing Free Ebook PDF Download

Before you jump right in, it is better to not only discover more about investing and how it all works, but likewise to determine what your goals are. What do you hope to…..
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Illustrator tutorials crop Free Ebook PDF Download

In some cases, we want to remove a part of the picture that is unwanted or in most basic cases, we would want to resize a photo to fit a specific…..
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Illustrator tutorials actions Free Ebook PDF Download

Just like in Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator Actions is a very powerful and helpful tool that makes you streamline and speed up your work by automating very simple tasks to the most…..
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The People Who Will Buy Free Ebook PDF Download

One of the first questions you should be asking yourself is just exactly… “Who is your market? In other words, just exactly who is going to buy what you’re offering? If you say,…..
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Ethereum Mining Free Ebook PDF Download

Ethereum mining is a process of solving complex cryptographic puzzles on a Blockchain network. It is the fuel that keeps the Ethereum network going, and miners are the engine that helps to…..
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Easy List Hacks Free Ebook PDF Download

Welcome and thank you for purchasing the Easy List Hacks. This is a guide filled with tips and tricks for optimizing and squeezing the most out of your email list. I’ll assume,…..
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Atomic CPA Marketing Free Ebook PDF Download

What exactly does CPA stand for? It’s simply COST PER ACTION. You are paid whenever someone completes an offer whether it is a sale or lead using your referral link. There are…..
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Copywriting Influence Free Ebook PDF Download

Copywriting is an exclusive technique that permits you to promote such things as products, special events, individuals or companies. Copywriting is regarded as one of the most important elements of any marketing strategy. It…..
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Copywriting Expert Free Ebook PDF Download

“Must Know” Copywriting Secrets that Guarantee Success Copywriters often disagree on whether a short sales piece with lots of white space is better or whether long and detailed is the way to go. The…..
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Content Marketing Blueprint Free Ebook PDF Download

There are several ways you can present your company and products to the world. Some businesses use nothing but text-based content. Perhaps the most effective tool for getting your products and services…..